Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Bantam chickens breeds information

The Bantam Chicken breeds is known the chicken world. About one-fourth the size of a normal breed Bantam Chicken breeds are a small bird, but it has its own properties. You have been around the world by sea on ships for their meat and their eggs and are known in the history of the city of Bantam, to have come, is located in Indonesia.Each Bantam, the chicken has its own properties, and there are a number of different races within this family Huhn. Some races are the Cochin, Japanese, Barnevelder, dwarf common Bantam, Polish, d ' Uccle, old English game, Pekin, Serama and Sussex. The features differ between each Art.Die Pekin breed, has, for example, feathers on their legs and feet with feathers that hangs to the floor. During the Polish produces pure chicken white eggs and has colors purple, blue and pink. Both of these breeds are very popular for shows. The Cochin is the largest, weighing less than 11 pounds, while the Barnevelder is very popular for egg production, carcass and shows.The Bantam Chicken breeds are varied and colorful than other types of chicken and are probably one of the most beautiful. Bantam breeds are easy to handle and are therefore used for shows and also with 4-H clubs across America. Although they are small, they have to have the same amount of food and water as a larger breed. While the chicken is quiet, the Rooster can be aggressive, puffing up when the is awakened and very well known in the United Kingdom. The hen is very protects her chickens, but they are good for the production of hatching eggs and General eggs for human consumption. The Bantam is an excellent pet if you want that your garden or flower beds free of insects and bugs have.The star there are a number of advantages to increase. Their beautiful coloring and a variety of springs make to show them a very attractive pest or birds and they need not much space. The hens are excellent with their hatching eggs and also were used, the eggs of birds, quail and ducks breed. Map they are ideal, to transport to shows due to their relatively small size. In addition, they use much smaller country or coop space as a normal-sized chicken race. for owners of these chickens, that to keep them for egg production is common to hold a specific type of chicken coop or a pen. These pens are smaller than she needed for normal medium-sized birds. It is always recommended that the Coop have much morning sun, because heat is important for them.To keep the pen dry, it should be raised above the ground, which will help with ventilation of the Coop. Clean straw are provided and changed regularly every opportunity to prevent illness. Some kind of wire around the Coop is always advisable to keep all potential robbers at Bay. The Bantam Chicken breeds are life about 10 years if they are cared for in the right way.


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