Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Diseases of chickens

Ill or injured hens should be immediately separated from the herd. Keep not a disease spread. If you feed and water your chickens, you also have a daily visual inspection of them. Check her eyes and nose for drainage and see that they dirty feathers around their anus, signaling diarrhea does not. Be aware of hens that are not willing to stand up and go. A slowdown of egg production or decreased food and water absorption should be considered to prevent also Symptome.DiseaseFour important things, if to prevent disease in poultry. The most hatcheries charge only a small fee (if any) to vaccinate to your chicks before, so are then first vaccinated. It can make to a veterinarian there are expensive for you.Make sure that the cages, breeding, and food and water containers are clean. Regular cleaning keeps disease down, and may except herds of a sick Huhn.Bakterielle are controlled a decline often with chicken feeds infections, contain the low-dose antibiotics.Use a wide variety in what you your herd be sure feeding are they get a good balance of vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates. If they are supplemented with vegetables, don't forget not fruit bowls for vitamin C.The combination of these prevent will not guarantee a healthy herd, but it will ensure a long way in the direction that your chickens immunity is best when disease along comes go.Some common chicken disease bronchitis will lead that the chicken breathing problems (Keuchen), discharge from eyes and ears and an avoidance of food and water. Increases the chicken ambient temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, and broad spectrum antibiotics. Avian flu symptoms to include shortness of breath, diarrhea, lack of interest in food and reduced to lie to egg. This disease goes quickly through a herd. Antibiotics are about everything that you can try. If the immune system was strong before ill, could then help broad-spectrum antibiotics. The vaccine for it is hard to get, since it only for qualifying herds. infectious sinusitis is a chronic sinus infection that can spread. The symptoms include sneezing, swollen nostrils with the discharge from the nostrils and eyes. This is given in food with antibiotics and water treated.Bird pox is often confused with chickenpox in humans. The chickens have traffic jams along with meat, raw looking with warzig appearing bumps. The most obvious are on their feet. Once sick with the disease, therapy is not available there, but there is a Impfstoff.Auge-worms is a roundworm that your chickens fly earthworms, crickets, or receive nothing, which has eaten the larva. Symptoms are swollen eyes with a white discharge from eyes and mouth. The larvae of the worm are the white discharge. This is prevented with a broad spectrum Wormer. When the symptoms occur, clean and disinfect the Coop and pens. If you do not kill the larva, the cycle is then repeated to keep. This is a small selection of the most common diseases of chicken. Prevention is easier than the cure. Keep just clean your chickens and their pens and give them nutritious food and clean water.


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