Make your own organic chicken feed mix with worms and grain

If you see that scrape antics of the chickens and look in the backyard and coming about a tasty worm or roundish insect their body language shows roughly near the city of joy.

With Red worms as organic chicken feed

When breeding and raising of Red worms do not work you can then decide, buy your own supply of chicken feed suppliers. They sell the most definitely Red worms as organic chicken feed.

Brined Whole Chicken BBQ Recipe

Brined Whole Chicken BBQ RecipeIngredients:1/4 cup pickling spice (1/2 of a 1-1/2-ounce jar)2 quarts water1/3 cup salt1 broiler-fryer chicken, 2-1/2 to 3 pounds.

important tips beginners should know to increase chickens

If you want to join the train of raising chickens in your backyard, should the appropriate information or know about it, how to do.

Angry chicken disease peril chicken soup industry

he first suspected mad chicken was NEW disease in the United States reported on Tuesday and $98 billion chicken soup threatens to devastate industry

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Feeding Chickens- important tips

Feeding chickens is more than just throwing grain, you must take into account the age of the hens and your goal for them. Chickens being kept for meat will require different feed than those being kept for eggs.Feeding ChicksChicks grown for egg laying should be fed a starter that is 20-22% protein, chicks raised for meat should have up to 24 percent protein in their feed. Use chick starter until the age of 6-9 weeks (depending somewhat on the breed of chicken and how quickly it matures). Meat hens should be fed a "broiler finish" after maturity until they are ready for slaughter.If you are raising meat hens you should think about choosing hen feed that has antibiotics to prevent Coccidiosis. Even egg layers are often given these antibiotics unless they are being raised as free range or organic.Commercially grown meat chickens are often loaded with hormones, so raising meat chickens at home is a popular way to avoid ingesting those.Chickens as AdultsAdult hens should be put on a 14 percent protein feed. Another important nutrient for egg layers is calcium, especially for large breeds such as Jersey Giants. Adult hen feed comes in pellets, crumbles, mash and scratch. The best way to get the most balanced diet for your hens is to mix some scratch in with pellets or crumbles and then supplement with vegetables and calcium.Many supplement their hen's calcium intake by adding clean, crushed egg shells into the feed. Chickens know what they need, so they'll eat what they require if it's available.Vegetables and PeelingsHealthy and happy hens can be had by adding things like spinach, romain, carrot peels, apple peelings, and whole grains like oatmeal, barley, and small amounts of fruit. Just remember this is a supplement to chicken feed, not a replacement. Your chickens must have the protein and other nutrients that is provided by a good chicken feed unless they are totally free range in a very nutritious environment.So long as it's fresh and not a meat product, it can be thrown to the hens instead of the garbage.A Chicken Tractor/MobileMobile chicken houses (hen tractors) are a great way to easily move your chickens around the yard. This allows the hens exercise and gives them fresh available bugs, vegetation, and grit. For areas that are a little too small to allow the hens easy range, you can use a tractor to move them in rotation, keeping the ground fresh. This movement will keep your yard from getting brown areas where the chickens have been. HazardsBeware of using pesticides and fertilizers in any area where your chickens might feed. Chickens will eat anything and everything they eat ends up in them and their eggs. Chickens can be poisoned by grass and plants where weed killers or sprays have been used. Whatever your hens eat, you will end up eating too. Pesticides and chemicals can be in your eggs before the hen shows any sign of illness.If done properly, your home-grown hens and eggs will provide wonderful nutrition for your family. When you feed hens well they will provide you with years of fresh eggs every day.For information about building a chicken coop, check out Chicken Coop Plans.For an even easier project, view Chicken Coop Kits.

Bantam chickens breeds information

The Bantam Chicken breeds is known the chicken world. About one-fourth the size of a normal breed Bantam Chicken breeds are a small bird, but it has its own properties. You have been around the world by sea on ships for their meat and their eggs and are known in the history of the city of Bantam, to have come, is located in Indonesia.Each Bantam, the chicken has its own properties, and there are a number of different races within this family Huhn. Some races are the Cochin, Japanese, Barnevelder, dwarf common Bantam, Polish, d ' Uccle, old English game, Pekin, Serama and Sussex. The features differ between each Art.Die Pekin breed, has, for example, feathers on their legs and feet with feathers that hangs to the floor. During the Polish produces pure chicken white eggs and has colors purple, blue and pink. Both of these breeds are very popular for shows. The Cochin is the largest, weighing less than 11 pounds, while the Barnevelder is very popular for egg production, carcass and shows.The Bantam Chicken breeds are varied and colorful than other types of chicken and are probably one of the most beautiful. Bantam breeds are easy to handle and are therefore used for shows and also with 4-H clubs across America. Although they are small, they have to have the same amount of food and water as a larger breed. While the chicken is quiet, the Rooster can be aggressive, puffing up when the is awakened and very well known in the United Kingdom. The hen is very protects her chickens, but they are good for the production of hatching eggs and General eggs for human consumption. The Bantam is an excellent pet if you want that your garden or flower beds free of insects and bugs have.The star there are a number of advantages to increase. Their beautiful coloring and a variety of springs make to show them a very attractive pest or birds and they need not much space. The hens are excellent with their hatching eggs and also were used, the eggs of birds, quail and ducks breed. Map they are ideal, to transport to shows due to their relatively small size. In addition, they use much smaller country or coop space as a normal-sized chicken race. for owners of these chickens, that to keep them for egg production is common to hold a specific type of chicken coop or a pen. These pens are smaller than she needed for normal medium-sized birds. It is always recommended that the Coop have much morning sun, because heat is important for them.To keep the pen dry, it should be raised above the ground, which will help with ventilation of the Coop. Clean straw are provided and changed regularly every opportunity to prevent illness. Some kind of wire around the Coop is always advisable to keep all potential robbers at Bay. The Bantam Chicken breeds are life about 10 years if they are cared for in the right way.

Learn How to Raise Chickens From Pointers and Tips Coming From Professional Chicken Breeders

Raising chickens is made easier by pointers coming from professional breeders and raisers that are ready to help in any way they want to. In fact, whether you are raising backyard chickens or raising them in a farm, all you have to do is know where to look for guides. Aside from the general details on how to raise chickens, you can also look for ways to optimize the yield of your chickens for maximum profitability. Chickens are easy to adapt to a small space where they can peck, perch and eat comfortably. It is also important in knowing how to raise chickens that you know how to keep their eggs from being crushed in the coop. this is usually answered by collecting them early in the morning and learning how to approach the coop calmly. The coop is where the chickens lay their eggs, roost, seek shelter and run around for exercise in. Thus, the coop should provide a good shelter and free space to roam around without trampling each other. Make sure that the place is free of parasites and other sources of diseases that can harm them. A well-drained site is also recommended for their easy access to a clean and well-kempt area. The ability of chickens to thrive in any environment is dependent on the breed and on the age of the chickens. In learning how to raise chickens, you have to know that younger chickens are not that adaptive as older chickens. If you are in an area where the weather condition is erratic, be sure to breed birds that can easily survive. Make sure to appropriate the shelter for the chickens to the kind of weather in the area. If the area has hot climate, you have to provide protection from the sun, otherwise the chickens will face dehydration and heat-enabled conditions. During hot weather, you can also moisten the soil with water so that it does not accumulate much heat and does not become uncomfortable for the chickens. There are guides on how to raise chickens that will detail how to survive in the cold and in the extreme heat. Meanwhile, for cold climate, chickens that have a thick feather protection are suitable. A list of the possible breeds is also available in how to raise chickens guides. Chickens also need a patch of dry land where you can feed them. Feeds need to be kept dry, so any feed that shows signs of dampness and toxicity must be disposed off immediately. In order for your chickens to survive, you must take care of them with all your resources.

Diseases of chickens

Ill or injured hens should be immediately separated from the herd. Keep not a disease spread. If you feed and water your chickens, you also have a daily visual inspection of them. Check her eyes and nose for drainage and see that they dirty feathers around their anus, signaling diarrhea does not. Be aware of hens that are not willing to stand up and go. A slowdown of egg production or decreased food and water absorption should be considered to prevent also Symptome.DiseaseFour important things, if to prevent disease in poultry. The most hatcheries charge only a small fee (if any) to vaccinate to your chicks before, so are then first vaccinated. It can make to a veterinarian there are expensive for you.Make sure that the cages, breeding, and food and water containers are clean. Regular cleaning keeps disease down, and may except herds of a sick Huhn.Bakterielle are controlled a decline often with chicken feeds infections, contain the low-dose antibiotics.Use a wide variety in what you your herd be sure feeding are they get a good balance of vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates. If they are supplemented with vegetables, don't forget not fruit bowls for vitamin C.The combination of these prevent will not guarantee a healthy herd, but it will ensure a long way in the direction that your chickens immunity is best when disease along comes go.Some common chicken disease bronchitis will lead that the chicken breathing problems (Keuchen), discharge from eyes and ears and an avoidance of food and water. Increases the chicken ambient temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, and broad spectrum antibiotics. Avian flu symptoms to include shortness of breath, diarrhea, lack of interest in food and reduced to lie to egg. This disease goes quickly through a herd. Antibiotics are about everything that you can try. If the immune system was strong before ill, could then help broad-spectrum antibiotics. The vaccine for it is hard to get, since it only for qualifying herds. infectious sinusitis is a chronic sinus infection that can spread. The symptoms include sneezing, swollen nostrils with the discharge from the nostrils and eyes. This is given in food with antibiotics and water treated.Bird pox is often confused with chickenpox in humans. The chickens have traffic jams along with meat, raw looking with warzig appearing bumps. The most obvious are on their feet. Once sick with the disease, therapy is not available there, but there is a Impfstoff.Auge-worms is a roundworm that your chickens fly earthworms, crickets, or receive nothing, which has eaten the larva. Symptoms are swollen eyes with a white discharge from eyes and mouth. The larvae of the worm are the white discharge. This is prevented with a broad spectrum Wormer. When the symptoms occur, clean and disinfect the Coop and pens. If you do not kill the larva, the cycle is then repeated to keep. This is a small selection of the most common diseases of chicken. Prevention is easier than the cure. Keep just clean your chickens and their pens and give them nutritious food and clean water.

What Are the Best Chicken Breeds

There are literally hundreds of chicken breeds to choose from when you decide to raise and keep chickens. We are going to break them down into the best breeds to work with based on their purpose. Chickens have three purposes, ornamentals or pets, meat, and egg production. Best 3 Chickens for PetsThese chickens are chosen for their docile nature, friendliness with children, and beauty.* Cochin: These chickens come in standard and bantam sizes. They are bred for a wide variety of colors and splash patterns, with fluffy feathers down to their toes. The tail feathers are droopy, with a waterfall shape. They are easily handled and fun to watch. There is very little squabbling among the flock, and they are not loud and noisy.* Brahma: Beautifully patterned feathers with dark patterned areas around the neck and rump on a pale background. Patterns remind one of Spanish lace. Very easily tamed and handle well. A beautiful chicken to have wandering on your property.* Silkies: These chickens look like they are wearing a Persian cat coat. Their feathers have no hooks that make normal feathers lay flat and close. Their feathers look and feel like fur. They are very docile, extremely easy to handle, and the Bantam weighs in at less than 4 pounds. These gentle little gems are sometime kept as incubators for other chickens eggs because they go to brood so easily. Best 3 Chickens for MeatWhen growing chickens for meat, time is critical. Getting past 16 weeks in age produces tough meat. The best meat chickens are fast growing so that you can produce a decent sized chicken for the table by the time they are 10 weeks old.* Cornish Cross: This is a hybrid chicken (Cornish x Plymouth Rock). They are ready to dress in 6-8 weeks. Very fast growing with large breasts.* New Hampshire: Hardy in all climates and handle easily. Also a fair layer.* Wyandotte: Hardy in all climates, easily handled and pretty to look at while they are growing. Also a pretty good layer.Best 3 Chickens for Egg ProductionGathering fresh eggs every morning for breakfast is a great reminder that you have pets that pay room and board.* Leghorns: Long laying cycle producing an egg everyday fro up to 3 years. White eggs. Can be a little flighty, but usually handles well and the egg production is second to none.* Pendesenca: Spanish chicken that lays dark chocolate brown eggs each day. Easily tamed.* Brahma: Lays light brown eggs daily and looks beautiful while doing it! Gentle and friendly. Big egg production in a relatively small bird. There are many other chicken breeds, but these have a lot going for them and are well rounded in personality, health, and value. Many breeds are considered exotic and are expensive. Some are just plain mean to each other and their owners. It's hard to enjoy a chicken, no matter what its purpose, when it is pecking or flogging you or your children. So choose you chickens wisely and know the breed's qualities. Even the mean ones are cute when they are little balls of fluff.

What About Chicken Breeds

There are many breeds to choose from but it is important to choose the breeds for your particular area, and needs. Some breeds do better in areas where the weather is cooler and others do better in hot temperatures. You will also want to consider breeds for your particular needs and wants. Such as, do you want chickens that lay eggs or do you want chickens for their meat? Perhaps you want chickens who are egg producers and also meat producers. These are called dual purpose chickens. Chickens also come in two sizes.You can have both sizes in your flock. They will get along. The large size is considered standard size the small size are call Bantam. The Bantam are usually raised for ornamental purposes. Their eggs are edible, but they do not lay on a regular schedule and the eggs are considerably smaller than standard size eggs.If you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing during part of the year or year around you would definitely want standard size chickens rather than the Bantam. You need to check the size of the combs and the waffles since the smaller they are it is less likely they will be affected by frostbite.If the temperatures go above 100° the large size feathery chickens would not do well in your area. You should consider the bantams except for the feathered footed varieties.If you are looking strictly for egg production, then of course you will look for the laying breeds. There are many people who consider the best layers to be inconsistent and nervous around humans. No doubt you will find it will depend on how you treat them initially and their individual personalities.If you want to raise chickens for their meat the dual purpose breeds will serve you well.The dual purpose chickens are the most common around the world. So if you want egg producers and meat producers the dual purpose chickens are the ones to consider. There are many breeds in that category.Perhaps you are considering raising chickens for game, exhibitions and show. For many years, chickens have been cross bred strictly for this purpose and so you have many many breeds from which to choose the chickens for exhibition.Obviously, as in anything you should educate yourself about the different breeds and what you can expect from them. You need to consider what you want from your chickens whether it be eggs or meat or both. You want to be sure you get the ones that will survive best in your area depending upon the extreme temperature changes.

Types of Chicken Feeders

In raising chickens, feeders are one of the essential things that you need to consider. Feeds for your chicken are placed on a chicken feeder. In some cases, raisers that are using chicken runs do not need feeders because the chicken inside the chicken run find their own food. It is very important that you are aware of the uses of the different types of feeders. Feeders are made from plastic or metals. They come with different sizes depending on the type of feeder that you want. The most common chicken feeders that are available are chick feeders, treadle feeders, plastic poultry feeders, grit hoppers, troughs and homemade feeders. Chick feeders are made exclusively for chicks until they are six weeks old. It can accommodate up to ten chicks per feeder. This is designed for feeds that are like sand. It can prevent spillage of feeds. They are usually made of plastic. Troughs are feeders that are made of galvanized metal. Troughs are available in different sizes depending on the quantity of chickens that you have. Its design is just like chick feeders. The only difference is it has wide openings and it is made of metal. Treadle feeders are made of metal. These feeders are made for fully grown chickens. When the chicken goes to the treadle, it will open and feeds will come out. When the bird leaves the treadle, it closes automatically. Plastic feeders are the most common feeders that are used in farms. They are made of plastic and it can be hanged anywhere. It has a cone shape. The feeds are place on top of the cone then it fills up the tray that is under the cone. Grit hoppers are also a type of feeder that is made of metal. Like troughs, this feeder closes automatically when the chicken leaves. It has a sloping lid that opens like a door. This type of feeder can help you prevent pest that eats the feeds inside the feeder. Homemade feeders are one of the best feeders that you can have. You can make your own feeder depending on your style. Feeders are one way of saving money and raising healthy chickens.

Information about the various Chicken breeds

If you are looking for your chicken, you'll see, that are more than sixty different Chicken breeds and can really overwhelming. If you try by the numerous amounts of Chicken breeds that could leave you feeling frustrated and confused don't worry art, all you need to do is a little research and gain insight about this remarkable bird. You can feel learn, go some interesting facts in the Prozess.Nach of sort by sizes, races, rarity classifications and behaviors in the experience of competent and informed.Size sChickens always come in two sizes, that are the dwarf and the large. This is one of the first things that you need to think about. You need to consider the size of your chicken coop and the number that you want for the daily care. Bantam chickens are quite small. These races are races only around 25% as large as the other standard, they are tiny! If quantity, but not much space will you have this the be a better option for you, as it is much smaller than chicken breeds are bantam, which this breed is friendly and which are smaller than other chickens lay eggs,.The chickens and large or standard breed are the same. These are the chicken breeds that will provide the large eggs in the class A. If the main objective of you getting a chicken is to sell eggs, then you will be the size you want.Chickens are versatile and popular. It is difficult to distinguish when they all seem the same look, but there are many things you should know before deciding on your birds. visit for more information and articles on the various Chicken breeds Chicken breeds.

The Ancona Chicken Breed

The Ancona Chicken is a Mediterranean class of chicken that originated from the city of Ancona which is situated along the coast of Italy.The Ancona breed of chicken was first introduced to Britain in the late 1800s and soon after to the United States. Anconas are a close relation to the Leghorn Breed and when they were first introduced to North America people did refer to them as "Mottled Leghorns" or "Black Leghorns"Similarly to Leghorns they are known as excellent egg layers and can lay between 160-180 large white eggs per year.It is a truly beautiful breed with its striking greenish black plumage that is speckled with white at the tips of the feathers (known as mottling). The hens by nature are not broody and don't usually sit on a clutch of eggs.For areas that pose a predation threat, the Ancona breed would be a great choice as they are considered to be very hardy, quick and alert.Ancona Chicken Breed FactsClass* Standard Mediterranean* Bantam Single Comb, Clean Legged* Rose Comb, Clean Legged.Size* Standard Cock: 6 lb. (2.75 kg) * Hen: 4.5 lb. (2 kg)* Bantam Cock: 26 oz (740 g)* Bantam Hen: 22 oz (625 g)Comb* Single Comb. Bright red, medium-sized red comb has five distinct points. Male: All five points stand upright. Female: First point stands upright; other four droop to one side.* Rose Comb. Bright red, medium-sized red rose sits square in front, terminating in a well developed spike.Wattles & Earlobes* Wattles are bright red; earlobes are white. Male: Long, well-rounded wattles and small almond-shaped earlobes, close to head. Females: Medium, well-rounded wattles and oval earlobes close to the head.Colour* Yellow beak, though some black or horn shading at centre of upper mandible. Reddish brown eyes. Shanks and toes are yellow, though yellow mottled with black is acceptable. Plumage is shiny greenish black with white speckling on tips of feathers, distributed evenly and frequently across the bodyPlace of Origin* ItalyConservation Status* ThreatenedSpecial Qualities* Lays longer into the winter without supplemental light than most breeds.The American Poultry Association (APA) first admitted the single comb variety in 1898 and the rose comb variety in 1914.

Diseases that can harm your chickens

Can all animals sick, dogs, cats, rabbits, also, can suffer by several factors caused complaints. This takes a sick care chicken can also hard in order to keep them healthy, they offer good food and clean environment. The following are diseases that afflict usually chickens.Parasites - parasites include ExternalExternal, you will find fleas and ticks, which are also available, dogs and cats, lice on the people and mites, which are so tiny that you can feel only their presence due to the itching that can cause. You can very itchy and can cause that tick fever, which in turn can cause death.With these parasites can be very uncomfortable and even though they do not immediately life-threatening, if you left untreated, can lead to the death. To make sure that your herd always get infected, ask for help from your Tierarzt.Parasiten - InternalChickens can have internal parasites such as worms and Protozoans. Worms are the more common of the two and leads to weight loss and diarrhea. Eat eggs from chickens, the worms have, is not a good idea. Protozoa are parasites, which can infect your chickens. Each outbreak among your flock to prevent requires proper sanitation.Virus - Marek DiseaseThis affliction is incurable, but is preventable. It can survive the toughest of conditions and can through your treatment of the chickens or dust and distributed their feathers. The virus hits the white blood cells caused, legs, neck, and wing paralysis. It can cause cancer is incurable, but by vaccination, it can be prevented.Virus - fowl PoxUnlike Marek disease, poultry smallpox can be treated and chickens, which have survived it become immune. It can be passed from chicken, chicken through cuts and wounds on their bodies that pick through their on each other. To prevent this virus damage, the chickens have vaccinated your herd.PreventionWith proper maintenance can avoid chicken, to acquire these diseases. Even though they are tough and hard conditions can withstand, there times that they are vulnerable and can succumb to diseases. Proper sanitation is key to the effectively prevents all these diseases from striking in your herd. Give them clean food and water always ensure that the containers are clean before putting RSS feeds and water in them. Have a veterinarian check your chickens regularly, to ensure the immediate medical care for them.

Details the benefits of raising chickens chicken

Most people think that raising chickens is all for really serious. Although a pinch of work and dedication require raising chickens, your benefits are definitely something, that is worth getting excited. If you are skeptic under these chicken raising, she meets a good view on the benefits of raising chickens, the listed below, so that you can see where people who decide to raise chickens can be of origin. On the other hand, if you are the chicken breeders, offer understand the massive benefits to expect something down.The benefits of raising chickens is at the breeder to keep a bunch of money. Instead of buying a whole chicken in food markets, which is usually expensive in those days, she could simply cooking what they have in their backyard. They could by also cost reductions without having to buy eggs because hens lay eggs almost daily and usually around, they put more than just an egg to the same Zeit.Hochziehen of chicken is also a fantastic source of revenue. This is not only for people who are looking for an additional source of income. This could be for individuals, the to make thoughts about starting a business, finding their major source of income. A great advantage of raising chickens for profit is that you need absolutely no very high investment capital. In addition, is the battle between chicken breeder does not, that neck cut means less anxiety for individuals who try to raise chickens for income.Raising chickens is also the best approach to stay physically active. Because you are the chicken it is probably thrown on food, the person, you have full control over the foods that consume your food. You have total power over the standard of food, you probably eat. You can be sure that is the meat that you eat organic and never just a few seven-day-old deceased bird, which has been transformed to appear fresh. In addition, you can be sure that it no chemical preservatives, no doubt unhealthy for our bodies, when he hit.

Brined Whole Chicken BBQ Recipe

Brined Whole Chicken BBQ RecipeIngredients:1/4 cup pickling spice (1/2 of a 1-1/2-ounce jar)2 quarts water1/3 cup salt1 broiler-fryer chicken, 2-1/2 to 3 pounds.Preparation:Take a Dutch oven, pour some water in it and then add the pickling spice and salt and boil it. Then remove it from heat and chill it. You can remove giblets from the chicken pieces that you have, rinse them and squeeze them dry. Then remove the chicken from the marinade and get rid of the extra marinade with the help of paper tissues. Put the chicken in away that the breast side is up and place it in the center of the cooking grate. Grill the chicken up to one to one hour forty-five minutes until the temperature of the chicken rises up to approximately 180 degree Fahrenheit. So at this point the drumsticks would also move with ease. This is it! Now you can serve the chicken.Barbecue Chicken KissesIngredients:2 tablespoons barbecue sauce1/2 onion, chopped1/2 green bell pepper, chopped1 skinless, boneless chicken breast half - cut into bite-size pieces1 potato, peeled and cubedPreparation:The first step would be to heat the grill on a medium high heat and oil the grate lightly. Now take two sheets of aluminum foil so that you can place the chicken breasts, potato, green bell pepper and the onion along with the barbecue sauce in the center of the foil and pack it. Make as many as these packages as you want and then grill them at a moderately high temperature for approximately 35 minutes or until the temperature of the meat reaches approximately 180 degree Fahrenheit. So the chicken kisses are ready and now you can enjoy these amazingly tasty chicken kisses and this would be the best kiss you have ever had.

What to Feed Chickens

Just like the rest of us, chickens need a good balanced diet in order for them to stay healthy and productive. There are many views on what is best for feeding chickens and many accounts of grandmothers feeding their chickens nothing but kitchen scraps. However a lot of these birds were allowed to roam freely and therefore would have had access to extra protein in the form of juicy bugs, grubs and minerals from foraging widely. In addition chickens fed on kitchen scraps may have survived, but may not have been totally healthy or have reached anywhere near their egg laying potential. Pellets or MashIf you want to be sure of having healthy birds and abundant eggs, it is advisable to feed your chickens one of the all in one feeds that are now available, these contain the correct balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, for their age and their purpose, be it eggs, meat or both. These are available as pellets (layers pellets or growers pellets) or as a powdered mash. Layers pellets have about 16% protein content, which should be sufficient to keep your hens healthy and productive. The mash is slightly cheaper although the chickens will often just pick out bits from it and leave the rest; for this reason a lot of chicken keepers prefer the pellets. The food should be freely available and kept in a waterproof feeder, for the birds to help themselves to as they wish. Chicks or young growers will require chick crumbs and growers pellets.Corn Mixed corn is great as a treat and for getting chickens actively scratching around. It is usually made up of 80 to 90% wheat and 10 to 20% maize, but contains only 2.5% Protein. A handful for each hen late afternoon helps them to have a full crop overnight. Be careful not to give them too much, as the maize especially is very fattening, which is probably okay in moderation in cold weather. However if hens get too overweight their egg production will drop dramatically.ScrapsI would never advise household scraps to make up any more than 25% of the chickens diet as it is too hard to monitor if the birds are getting a balanced enough diet. A good way of dealing with the scraps is to mix it into a mash with commercial mash feed. Adding water the mixture should be a damp crumbly texture. Be careful that there is nothing in the scraps which could get stuck in the chickens crop and cause problems.GreensIf your birds are able to forage freely then they should have access to enough greenery. If not try to make sure they have access to cut grass and discarded parts of your cabbages and other greens will be appreciated.GritFlint grit and oyster shell grit must also be available. Flint grit helps them grind down the food and the second is full of calcium to help them produce strong egg shells. Crumbled egg shells can also be provided.

Diseases as a chicken coop can affect

The facts which involved a healthy Chicken Koop are issues such as disease types, symptoms, prevention, risks to human health, safety and possible treatments and solutions. in this article, learn about diseases and symptoms that show a chicken disease. The article aim is you a short list of symptoms to identify and orient †on the possible disease type that can affect your chickens. 1 "symptoms, which show a list if your chicken healthy, or IllThis, which show a healthy Chicken †¢ would clearly Eyes†¢ had shiny Feathers†¢ food would Properly†¢ movement around frequently. would †¢ would have a healthy COMBA€ ¢ and of course maintain and PHISHINGDiese a list", which show a sick Chickenâ would be € ¢ Foul Smell†¢ presence of mites and Licea€ ¢ scaly legs€ ¢ lesions on the Chicken†¢ constant weight Lossa€ ¢ watery discharge from the Nostrils†¢ aqueous Droppings†¢ reduction in egg Production†¢ Paralysis†¢ breathing Problems†¢ pallor and Weakness†¢ sit in one place and hardly around2 move †"Different types of diseases that can affect a chicken KoopThere are four main types of disease", by poultry: †¢ metabolic and nutritional-Diseases†¢ infectious diseases †¢ parasitic Diseases†¢ and behavioural disorders diseases. Metabolic and nutritional DiseasesThese are caused conditions, the insufficient by a disturbance of the normal metabolic functions either due to a genetic defect, or inappropriate diet or impaired nutrient use. Infectious DiseasesAn disease is any disease caused by invasion by a pathogen, which then grows and multiplies in the body. Infectious diseases are often contagious, which means that they directly or indirectly to the other can be distributed by a living being. Parasitic DiseasesParasitic are diseases infection or infestation with parasitic organisms. They are often contracted through contact with an intermediate vector, but can occur as the result of direct exposure. A parasite is an organism that lives in or on and takes his food from another organism. A parasite can live independently. Behavioural disorders include diseases that abnormal behavior can lead to injuries or diseases. These include cannibalism or aggressive pick.Chickens are susceptible to diseases like every other pet can and taking care of them a lot of work. So offers your chickens with a healthy environment and take care of things while learning how to build a chicken coop you would help the most chicken to prevent diseases and illnesses.Learn more about chicken diseases and related topics such as prevention, risks to human health, safety and possible treatments and solutions, you can visit this blog with many helpful and practical articles.

Notes About Chicken Feed

Copyright (c) 2011 David SoperWhen it comes to feeding chickens, it's really pretty straightforward. Chickens are not very fussy nor particularly greedy birds so there is not a lot to worry about. There are a few things however you need to know.It's really not too wise to feed the birds certain food items. They include things like avocado, raw potato, salty and sugary foods. Eggs can take on the flavor of strongly flavored food like garlic, for example. Some people have complained to me that when they feed chickens onion scraps it can flavored the eggs and that's not too cool. Just like their human owners, chickens don't like smelly, stale, moldy or rancid food. Using foods like that is a false economy. The birds won't eat it, so it will only waste time and money and actually could adversely affect the chickens.Pay attention to where you stock your foods as well. They should be stored away from heat, direct sunlight and moisture,. If possible, you should check the date on manufactured feed. Foods past or near the pull date have less or no vitamins at all. An important consideration is to never stock more feed on your shelves than you chickens can eat within a two-month period. So carefully plan your feed purchases so that you stock just the right amount. Aim to time it so the feed is consumed before it becomes stale and, and as I mentioned before, be sure to check the expiration dates on the bags you buy.I fully understand the desire to save money on buying chicken feed, but you should know there are feed mills out there that are willing to sell feedstocks with no or limited nutritional value. Instead of really saving you money, this could end up costing you money in the form of lower production and less healthy birds. When you see signs that say "thrifty' "country", and "sale" it could be a sign of poor quality feeds. Given the choice always choose quality over quantity.If you know other fellow chicken raisers, you can always ask where they buy their supplies. Referrals are a much better way to go than relying on the sale sign saving a few dollars. Almost always, you can find quality feeds this way; just ask your friends about what feeds they buy. If you have a chance, check out their birds, too. So what about free range chickens and chickens fending for themselves? Obviously, chickens will naturally scrounge around to find food if left to their own devices. They will roam around eating whatever they can find. In order for them to do that successfully, they would need ample space to wander. The number of chickens you have wandering for food means more individual competition and less food each individual. Don't forget the effect of pecking orders, here. The weather is also a consideration when thinking about your wandering chickens. Of course, there's always the risk of predators waiting at the top of the food chain. Here's the bad news: experts suggest that a couple of chickens running free range require about an acre of land to thrive without supplemental feeding. In the "good" old days, chicken feed came as a result of the farmers' practices. Food waste and garbage were dumped just around the corner of the house. The barnyard chickens loved scrounging for yummy maggots garbage and spilled grains from the horses or cows became the chickens' buffet. You might think this would produce an abundant smorgasbord for the chicken. But it depends on the size of the competition. These days we know better. It's always a very good thing to provide your chickens with the complete healthy diet. The increased production of good eggs and meat is always a function of what you feeding. So when in the store look for a high-quality formulated feed having everything necessary to support a balanced diet. Chickens, to prosper, need feed containing a mixture of proteins, vitamins, calcium fats and trace elements. They do come in various forms to meet the necessary needs of your chickens i.e. egg/meat production or age of the birds. In other words, you can buy pellets or mash. You need to identify what's best for your backyard birds at the right stages of their lives. If you're feeding chicks, they needed more refined diet than broilers and layers.

How to Raise Chickens - 5 Keys to Raising Chickens

Do you wish to raise chickens from the comfort of your own home? There is nothing more satisfying than sitting down to a scrambled egg, courtesy of your own flock and in this article I am going to give you 5 tips on raising your own chickens.At first, it may seem like a lot of work preparing to raise chickens, but they actually require little daily care and you will soon experience the benefits of raising your own chickens once you start.Listed below are 5 items that are essential to successfully raise your own chickens.1. Housing: This does not need to be some extravagantly designed coop, the chickens simply need somewhere to roost in the evenings, and have somewhere where they are protected from predators. Plans for simple chicken coops can be found in many books or on-line, to suit the tastes of everyone.2. Food: Chicken feeders are easily available for purchase, and again, are not expensive and come in a variety of styles.3. Water: Having a watering station raised above the ground is more practical than simply having a water bowl or dish as the latter can be quite messy and will require more attention.4. Storage for Feed: A metal bin is ideal for the storage of the chicken feed, as animals such as rats which also enjoy the feed will be prevented from accessing it.5. Nesting Boxes: These are not necessary, but they are an easy way for you to collect the eggs laid. You can make your own or purchase one from your local farm supply store.By researching your options and having a clear idea in your head how you would like to run things, there is no reason why you shouldn't be successfully raising chickens.. healthy and happy chickens.And if you would like to access my FREE mini course on building a chicken coop and how to raise chickens you can do so now..How to Raise ChickensAccess your FREE mini course on how to raise chickens and build your own chicken coop at

What to Feed Chickens For Proper Nutrition If You Want to Raise Healthy Chickens;

You have come a long way already. You did your intensive research and already hatched (or purchased) your chicks. You have built the proper shelter for your flock, with proper temperature, flooring with pine shavings, platforms and shaving areas, all specifications followed by the book. The question that will require you to think thoroughly this time is what to feed chickens? This is one aspect that will require most money because it involves daily consumption.Chickens aren't picky animals when it comes to food, but if you aim to keep them in good shape for many years or decide to raise them for their meat or eggs, then you should carefully consider their nutrition. Always keep your food and water dispensers vermin-free, inaccessible to mites and mice. Have them in bountiful supply nearby for your chicks' easy access, but be wary of the bullies as chickens like humans tend to compete for their survival as well. Some caretakers prefer giving out rations twice a day to ensure equal distribution. On average, a chicken feeds on four ounces worth of pellets a day, but it varies depending on what purpose you are raising them. Here is what to feed chickens, enumerated for easy reference:1. Commercial feeds - most common type as it is convenient. They come in forms of pellets crumbles and mash. The first two are the easiest to disseminate among a flock. Other caretakers prefer feeding their small group a mix of grains named "scratch", also available commercially. Consider the important needs of age groups. Chicks need protein for growth while older ones need starch for maintenance of feathers.2. Grit - These are small stones, fed to chickens during winter when grains are scarce due to its ability to be retained on the gut for a longer time.3. Oyster shells - Feed hens with oyster shells as it is a valuable source of calcium for stronger egg shells of their chicks.4. Scraps - These may come in form of fruits and vegetables. Find out what your flock likes.5. Treats - Chicken need time outdoors greatly. Like scraps, let them find what they want to eat. Some prefer grains, small stones, while others go for worms.6. Water - Like humans, chickens need a constant water supply for hydration. Make sure your water is potable.

How To Feed Chickens

So you have decided to buy your own chickens, great! They are so much fun and very rewarding pets to have, they will lay you fresh eggs and keep your yard healthy by eating weeds and pests that annoy your grass and plants. If you are reading this article you are here for help on what to feed your chickens, well don't stress too much, because it is fairly simple. Besides some basic nutrients and vitamins, their diets are almost impossible to mess up because they will eat just about anything. Meat, vegetables, bugs, pests, weeds, you name it, they will eat it.Another common food that owners feed their chickens is grains. This can be their primary source of food. There are some options to the way you feed your chickens. Some owners like to spread the food out around the yard. This works fine as long as you are leaving enough food, sometimes it is hard to tell if everyone is eating with this method. The other main method, is getting a chicken feeder. This is used by most owners, make sure to take into account how many chickens you have and how much food you need to put in your feeder before buying one. One important nutrient for your hens is calcium. This is important to help them lay the most and best eggs possible. Start adding calcium to their diets before laying season and don't stop until they have finished laying for the year. If your chickens lay all year then just keep calcium in their diets all the time. Crushed clam shells is an excellent source of calcium and chickens love them. You can find these at most feed stores. Just be sure they are crushed up real small, because if their are whole shells in there your chickens might mistake them for their own eggs.One of the best things about having a nice yards for your chickens to run around in, is that they will get a large number of nutrients just by eating the grass and the bugs. They will need more than just this, but it is a good start to a healthy diet for them. Animal protein is one thing they will not get much of from roaming your yard. You can feed them small bones with meat on them and fish which they love to get them the protein.I know that this was a short article, but when it comes to feeding your chickens there really isn't too much to be stressed about. Remember that if you are looking to get the best and most eggs out of your chickens you are going to want to keep a steady amount of calcium in your hens' diets. And protein is another important part of their diets. Other than that, go down to your feed store and see what they have. Most stores will have chicken feed all made up and this will work, then you can add in the extra nutrients you want that the feed doesn't cover. Or you can create your own feed, your chickens will be happy either way! So go out there, get started and have fun!

How to Feed Chickens Using the Right Chicken Feed to Ensure Your Flock Are in Good Shape

Chickens aren't so picky when it comes to their food. However, what they eat reflects on the taste of eggs they produce. So, if you want to taste the freshest and most delicious eggs your hens generate, you should be feeding them the right kind of food. But before anything else, you should know how to feed chickens properly.Chickens love to eat just about everything they see around them. You can see them kick over an empty container and peck the things they found underneath it or just run towards the trash can to look for edible chows. They also love to eat table scraps like meat and fish. Feeding them hard foods such as bones and pits are not necessary. The correct way on how to feed chickens is to scatter it on an open area and let them peck on it. Provide water and make sure to refill it regularly.Together with table scraps, you can mix your feeds with pellets that can be bought directly to your local store. Make sure that the pellets you are going to buy are packed with nutrients. To add variety to your chicken's diet, you can also feed grains to them. Occasional feeding of vegetables is also a must because this is where they get their extra nutrients.If you are taking care of laying hens, you should place them in a darkened area where no other roosters are found. Hens can produce two types of eggs. The first one is unfertilized, and the second one is fertilized. Unfertilized eggs are eggs that come out from your hen without getting laid. They are unfertilized which means, there is no chance of getting a chick out of it. If you plan to care for chicks, you should have a rooster with you. In this way, the egg can be fertilized and chick development can occur. In addition, you must also know how to feed chickens that lay eggs. Hens require different nutrition than ordinary chickens. They need to have a good source of calcium and grit to make their egg shells sturdy. You should also consider a special diet for your laying hen. If you let them eat onion, garlic and other powerful ingredients, you might witness an unusual taste in your egg.Now that you know how to feed chickens according to their needs and requirements, your flock will definitely be in good shape. Use this information for your own benefit and discover what proper feeding can do for you and your pets.

You need to consider chicken diseases

The chicken is one of the hardiest animals. As long as they each day a clean environment with fresh food and water are given, these animals are hardly ill. Have to say they are still in the free animals and some at risk of catching a disease or to be ill. If you know common varieties of chicken diseases, a better prevent and take care of certain diseases.Perhaps the most common disease that is subjected to a chicken is external parasites. Common predators are lice and mites. You will find, if you regularly handled his chickens, he or she may not the infestation under until the birds are visibly ill made. Because poultry lice are the skin and feathers food, he creates a motheaten appearance in the course of the Zeit.Milben are blood-consuming parasites, which will considerably weaken the poultry. These parasites are quite smaller than are lice and even more difficult to detect. If the hens have these mites, you will notice a scaly appearance on the face and legs his or her animals. A good idea would be, a veterinarian also an insecticide powder, that specifically use for birds ask for advice if the chicken shows these symptoms, but could be a person.Chickens need also to internal parasites, together with external parasites. Worms are one of which are vulnerable to the most common used internal parasites, the chickens. These worms lives in the soil and on the chicken droppings. If the poultry from these areas eats tainted, they are also the worms, so that infected food. Almost all chickens have some internal parasites that are not necessarily harmful.If the chickens in a heavily contaminated area are held, get an overload of internal parasites to diarrhea and can cause that hunger. Each disease can be identified by a veterinarian can also be identified, if it is a certain parasite that causes the problems. By studying a fecal sample from the herd, the veterinarian may prescribe to heal the right medication to his flock.Just like in humans, there are different types of smallpox viruses, affecting also poultry. Lesions on a people animals can be caused by this "chicken pox". It is then transmitted to other birds in the flock through contact and mosquitoes. As soon as the herd is infected, it is difficult difficult to prevent the spread. The lesions for the chickens to survive this disease must be given special attention and it must be caught in the early stages. There are vaccines available, this disease does not affect his flock. fowl cholera is another disease, affects the chickens. This condition is rather older birds in the flock, rather than the younger chicks influence. It is caused by a bacterium, which can quickly kill the entire herd. Can in many cases were exposed hours, the birds die. The symptoms, which may be a search are swollen feet and eyes or ears draining...All birds who should die immediately be taken to see a veterinarian. For testing and confirmation of cholera are required to handle according to the part of the herd that is still alive. If no treatment is given, this disease to other animals can through contact and contaminated soils distributed.

How To Feed Chickens - Tips To Ensure Your Flock Is In Good Shape

Chickens aren't so picky when it comes to their food. However, what they eat reflects on the taste of eggs they produce. But before anything else, you should know how to feed chickens properly. So, if you want to taste the freshest and most delicious eggs your hens generate, you should be feeding them the right kind of food. Chickens love to eat just about everything they see around them. You can see them kick over an empty container and peck the things they found underneath it or just run towards the trash can to look for edible chows. They also love to eat table scraps like meat and fish. Feeding them hard foods such as bones and pits are not necessary. The correct way on how to raise chickens is to scatter it on an open area and let them peck on it. Provide water and make sure to refill it regularly.Together with table scraps, you can mix your feeds with pellets that can be bought directly to your local store. Make sure that the pellets you are going to buy are packed with nutrients. To add variety to your chicken's diet, you can also feed grains to them. Occasional feeding of vegetables is also a must because this is where they get their extra nutrients.If you are taking care of laying hens, you should place them in a darkened area where no other roosters are found. Hens can produce two types of eggs. The first one is unfertilized, and the second one is fertilized. Unfertilized eggs are eggs that come out from your hen without getting laid. They are unfertilized which means, there is no chance of getting a chick out of it. If you plan to care for chicks, you should have a rooster with you. In this way, the egg can be fertilized and chick development can occur. In addition, you must also know how to feed chickens that lay eggs. Hens require different nutrition than ordinary chickens. They need to have a good source of calcium and grit to make their egg shells sturdy. You should also consider a special diet for your laying hen. If you let them eat onion, garlic and other powerful ingredients, you might witness an unusual taste in your egg.Now that you know how to feed chickens according to their needs and requirements, your flock will definitely be in good shape. Use this information for your own benefit and discover what proper feeding can do for you and your pets.

Feeding Chickens in Your Chicken Coop The right Way Can Increase Egg Production

Chickens need the proper nutrients in their diet or they will quit laying eggs. If you do not give them the necessary fundamental nutrients their egg production will lessen immensely, but if you feed them properly they will continue to lay eggs steadily for lots of years. Learn the proper way to feed hens and keep them producing eggs dependably.Chicken feeding is more than simply putting out some grains for your hens. If you would like to grow chickens that produce high quality eggs on a consistent basis you should know several fundamentals about feeding chickens. When chickens first begin producing eggs, all through the initial laying phase, they are still maturing. During this period they must be given an increased quantity of protein. As the quantity of eggs starts to dwindle their protein requirements also lessen. Commercial growers know that protein is costly so they pay attention to protein levels carefully when feeding chickens. They begin by offering 18% protein for the earliest 4 months of their laying cycle and then lessen it to approximately 16% at around 4 months. Protein is reduced to 15% when the hens drop to roughly 60% production from their peak.Most small flock owners like to keep things as basic as they can when feeding chickens and consequently provide their hens the identical feed all through the complete laying cycle. This is routinely done with an all-mash diet that includes about 16% to 17% protein levels. Mash is prepared from finely crushed grains and is offered in two ways. It is either mixed to provide all of the chicken's day by day nutrient requirements or offered as a supplement to other grains. Providing hens a large amount of whole grains immediately previous to roost time can help them stay warmer and more comfy all through the night. Grit typically is supplied in the form of small stones or granite material and should always be offered to pullets eating whole grains. Grit helps grind the grains and improving digestion. Pullets will eat all kinds of stuff, as well as feathers, and grit must continuously be available to help pullets assimilate these assorted items, even if being offered an all-mash diet.Grains, like corn and oats, can cause hens to put on extra fat which can cause egg production to decline, so it is a good idea not to provide too many whole grains. Moreover, scratch feeds (grains) are generally lower in protein, containing around 10%, so the mash will contain as much as 20% up to 40% protein depending on how many whole grains are added to the diet. A diet of mash and whole grains need to provide total protein of around 16%. To reduce the feed bill kitchen table leftovers and backyard garden surplus can be added to a hen's diet. These kinds of foods can be supplied as a replacement for a portion of the whole grains, but need to be given in small-sized amounts as they can lessen the protein levels in the overall diet. Depending on the type of table leftovers fed, they can lead to bad tasting eggs. Offering vegetable skins and green tops is good, but giving onions, fruit peelings, and other strong-flavored food is not.Calcium is a very important requirement in an egg-layer's diet because it is necessary to form strong egg shells. Feeding hens an all-mash diet is usually suitable because all-mash diets usually include around 3% or more calcium. If egg shell quality ever appears to become reduced more calcium must be added to their feed. Calcium is classically provided in as oyster shells.Clean water is another important item that must be available at all times. Egg production will fall if chickens are not provided water for even a short period of time. Making certain the water is unpolluted by changing it on a daily basis is also essential because impure water can deter pullets from drinking the required amount. Soiled water can furthermore cause the spread of sickness and disease. To maintain high egg laying production chickens should be given a high quality diet and plenty of uncontaminated water.


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