When you want to decide on a chicken you will needto examine their different breeds. This is necessary as some of them live great together and others have a temperament that requires them to with their own kind. Though there are over sixty different varieties to choose from, there are a few that are more accepted than all the others.Let's take a look at some of the more important ones-Barnevelder- This was the major egg laying bird of the twentieth century. These breeds average around two hundred brown eggs annually.Rhode Island Reds- They are one of the more important birds of a barnyard. They can amazingly lay around three hundred eggs annually! and hence are hailed for this capability to yield one of the greatest number of eggs. These birds are also excellent pets.Light Sussex- These chickens have a unique feature since they are the ones that are normally found at chicken state fairs and beauty pageants! At the egg laying department, these birds can be compared to the Rhode Island Reds breeds. Light Sussex breed has the ability to produce around two hundred and fifty eggs in the course of a year and thus are also top tier egg producers.Buff Orpington- This hen is a very cute looking bird and they are generally fairly fluffy. This hen comes under the breed category of 'heavy' or larger birds as they are fairly huge, and are know to have a friendly and calming nature. But they can be moody and are not the best for producing eggs. Their looks compensate for their low egg production and that is the only reason people love keeping the Buff Orpington around. Their color in sunlight looks golden and they are adorable to look at.This article covered some of the main chicken breeds, I will try to cover more different breeds and give you a brief description of some of the other major birds too in my next article.