Chickens can eat almost everything from meat to vegetables. Can you dog food and they will pick with it full of enthusiasm. Can you pig it'll eat food, and they without hesitation. Chickens are cleaner garbage tidbits. You can even delete every insect, worm, or something more and little vulnerable as they are. The good thing about the raising of chickens in your own backyard is that they not feeding skills than vitamins and booster. grains can be fed to your chickens. Remains of food bits and peelings can also be fed. You see, feeding is so hard for, as long as you save some to feed this remains for your poultry. Chickens are also intelligent, because they know when the bucket of goodies for lunch is ready. You can feed your chicken in many ways. You can do it either in a container that is large enough for their numbers during the meal time. Scattering their diet is also not a bad idea without the worry that it will go to waste and remain scattered. Bone with tiny bits of meat are their favorites. Now, when it comes to hens lay eggs, calcium is required for their diet. During the months when the transfer is season on its edge, you can select your chickens feed calcium only by including in their meal mussel shells, which are already reduced. Do not, by all means give conch shells, all are. You can recognize these shells as endangered their own shells. You must therefore ensure thoroughly crushed the shell bowls in pieces before it on them. These are available at your local feed stores.The most advisable food for your chickens are RSS feeds, pellets, cereals and grains. Meat, fruit and vegetables can also passed. But chickens can not all the fun that devoured everything. Their diet is also under consideration to be kept, because there are certain types of food that are not advisable for them to eat. These foods can be either harmful or even worse, fatal. Apart from the below mentioned food, other feeds are generally safe.Would you do reason why chickens, this type of FoodChicken should not eat if you were given the opportunity to eat the thigh of your neighbor, it? For the same reason why chickens expensive if object be served with their own kind. But they don't know that. You will never. Therefore, it is in order, if you have included chicken bones to their meals. But the follow can excellently be because when large given quantities of chicken or parts of the spinal cord and brain, this can lead to the development of encephalopathy. Apple: Apple every two weeks given 4 birds is good, but if this routine happens every day, you can expect, digestive problems. Peel the potato: chickens don't really like the idea of eating roots harvest. The taste is not so pleasant. Orange peels: the toughness of this is too much for her to take. Tomato: Because in small quantities, tomatoes can be good, but gently lead, if given in excess, they affect the chicken Kot.Banane: for some reason, it's just they like not.These are just some of the foods which do not really advisable, give your chickens. Just keep in mind: root plants are not high on their list; Favorite can never be hard Palm sugar; If given in large amounts, give what is the food their digestive system a hard time.
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