Sunday, 12 August 2012

PET chickens - how your chickens set to keep year round

To keep chickens for pets is always in these days, and fresh eggs is a definite plus. Pet chickens are unique in the world pet because of their ability, pay for their Board and lodging in fresh, healthy eggs.There are some factors that to stop, temporarily, eggs can cause hens. If you know the causes, they are easily resolved. Psychological pet chickens StressOne is no eggs to create, what is stress. Psychological stress can be caused by a trouble-maker in the chicken coop or a sense of danger from predators. If you have a tyrant in the hen house you need to it from the other chickens to separate. This usually happens when introduced a new chicken to an established herd. If several hens suddenly stop moving, looking for signs that a predator is coming about in the night and they scare. If this is the case, need to invest in some kind of deterrence. Fox pee is easily accessible in farm shops, but you need to use it regularly to keep. Another option is to buy battery powered "Blinders" to simulate the eyes of a predatory Coyote or Fox. This flashing eyes are very good to keep skunks, raccoons, and other nocturnal animals way from an area. physical StressPhysical stress can cause hens, also to stop eggs. This happens if you get sick, or non-essential nutrients always are. Look for signs of diarrhea, lethargy, and make sure that you always have enough food and calcium. A chicken, mobbed is possibly enough to eat, not opportunity. Complement their regular chicken feed with cornbread, bread, wheat, green leafy vegetables, ground cuttlebone (for calcium) and dandelion. Wormer require all poultry. Untreated worms kill can your herd. You can buy at your local farm corresponding worm medicine. There will be instructions, how to manage it.Cold WeatherIf that really cold outside it turns it is common for egg production considerably. Sprinkling their chicken feed with powdered cayenne pepper increases their internal temperature and increase egg production. Just a teaspoon per pound of feed is usually sufficient. Aging ChickensDon don't expect that your pet chickens to lay eggs, all their adult lives. The normal life span for a healthy chicken is 8-10 years. The eggs will stop long before. Egg laying ability usually for about 3 years slows and stops at 4-5 years. Of course there are always exceptions, but don't think that your sadness chicken is sick, just because she will lay any eggs.


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