Raising laying chickens is so simple and such a fun, rewarding experience, it really is something that everyone should have the pleasure of doing. There is so much information readily available at the touch of a button to help you and especially in relation to raise chickens.Not so long ago to keep chickens was something that was only really done by farmers and small holders, mainly to supplement poor diet. It was an easy way of providing protein (although I am not sure that they would have been 100% aware of this dietary fact) and with eggs being so versatile they could be used in so many ways without getting bored of eating them.Poultry keeping seems to have really taken off worldwide recently and the benefit of this to the uninitiated is the huge wealth of chicken keeping knowledge that has become so easily accessible to be able to use. What a fantastic thing, all of these hints and tips that I can only imagine being well guarded secrets once upon a time that are now being shared globally.One of the biggest considerations when deciding to keep chickens has to be their housing. They have a few specific needs that really are not a problem to provide but, it is important that you do this to keep them happy, content and egg laying on a regular basis.Chickens, like people can be susceptible to extremes of heat and cold and any help you give them in keeping their housing temperature at a constant reasonable level is more than beneficial. To be able to manage your backyard space and utilise it to your best advantage should not be under estimated i.e. if you have areas of excess shade or of constant sun, neither of which on their own are a good thing, you can use these to keep your poultrys comfort at an optimum.Providing adequate ventilation to keep fresh air flowing through the coop is an easy thing to do and obviously this helps to keep the coop aired and as ammonia free as possible as well as keeping conditions dry too.You can provide any number of ramps and walkways which, believe it or not is really contributing to your chickens welfare by stimulating them maybe in an unseen way to you and I but, it does benefit them enormously. Perches really give poultry a sense of security which they need when they roost at night and so again, putting these into the accommodation you are helping to keep them happy and content.To keep chickens can be a real pleasure and what can be as satisfying as being able to collect your own poultry's eggs? Especially knowing that you have had such an influence to raise chickens by catering for their welfare needs more than adequately. You of course benefit from delicious, nutritious free range eggs that had you not decided to start raising laying chickens would not be possible.Clive AndersonChickenHouseKit.com
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