Many people are interested in breeding their own chickens but many decide chickens buy POL (point of lay) simply because the chickens then outside and on normal chicken granules want to be fed. It is cheaper to buy chicken at this age but not significantly. The real reason is probably because people that they are not set up for the raising of chickens or that it's complicated and time consuming.As long as you the right equipment and basic principles follow breeding chickens is relatively easily and with much Eco business incubators on the market now, you must no longer to grow on a large scale and can actually less than eight eggs to hatch. Eggs take about 21 days to hatch and must follow guidelines your incubators. Once the chicks are hatched they will need special care for the first six weeks of her life. They need a heat lamp at 95 degrees from the outset and they need to be inserted on special chick Crumb. The heat starts a week reduced until the chicks can maintain their own body temperature and they start to grow feathers. At 6 weeks, are the young chickens, providing from the outside can be acclimatised, the temperature is not too cold. If we happen to be very cold you gradually introduce must the chickens. When chicks hatch first we use normally a small container, usually plastic or a wooden box, which we with paper and sawdust line. Try not to use the paper, if you can, because you may risk Straggle legs, which occurs in you, if the chick hatch again and again and her legs start split apart. If this happens again and again then the chick can not be rendered able, without slipping, and this can have impact on the rest of their health. There treatment for balancing act is together carefully accompanied strapping the legs legs, but prevention is always much better than and as long as you use sawdust should be no problem. Incubation of the eggs is very rewarding, and if you have kids, they will absolutely love the experience of improving their own chicks and of course they learn a lot about how they grow how chickens are raised and what is happening to them.
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