Sunday, 10 February 2013


Learn more about the breeds of rabbit before choosing the best rabbit for you and your family. The rabbits are popular pets. Children in particular are adorable. Of course, our culture sees rabbits as both pets and food. Rabbits are raised for their meat and wild rabbits are hunted for sport. But despite the paradox of pet or of prey, rabbits are still popular choices for pets. They are naturally seen as cute and are remote, almost feline in their character. Pet rabbits are usually kept in a cage, but some owners allow free movement in their closed residence. There are several types of breeds of rabbits. The breed of domestic rabbit that we tend to have as a pet is the European breed of rabbit. There are large breeds of rabbits, breeds of rabbits dwarf and medium-sized breeds. popular breeds are the breed of rabbit Angora and Rex Rabbit breed. There are two simple ways of thinking about the breeds of rabbits for pets. 1. Pursuant to the race size of rabbit. Rabbits come in the race sizes: large, medium, small and dwarf giant. Some breeds are available in one or more sizes. The typical giant breeds include the Flemish giant, giant Angora, and the giant Chinchilla. The giant Angora, for example, weighs about 10 pounds and more, while weighs it dwarf Hotot up to two years and a half books. The Angora breed, an ancient native race of Turkey and known for its exquisite fur is also delivered to a breed of large and medium-sized, called the French Angora and Angora English, respectively. 2. Pursuant to the breed of rabbit grooming needs. Rabbits have different grooming requirements according to their coats. The coat the more time you will have to validate in the grooming of your pet. The Angora rabbit breed is obviously more difficult to take care of. Angora giants, for example, have a very long fur and really should be brushed every day. Rex Rabbit breed was raised for his velvety fur, but is not as strong demand as the Angora. The Mini Rex breed has a plush coat, but it is short, so it is relatively easy to maintain. American chinchillas are also easy to maintain. Its coat is short and really only need a weekly grooming. To learn more about rabbit breeds use an Internet search engine to bring up the Internet sites dedicated to information on breeds of rabbit. There you will also find pictures of rabbit breeds and lots of information about all rabbit breeds. Websites such as provide detailed descriptions of each breed, such as size, personality, and physical characteristics as well as advice on grooming. Click here to learn more.

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