The slip if you plan to keep a collection of chickens, eggs market must provide you first decide which breeds of chicken, you go to. You can buy in your breeding stock and it's probably a good idea, that start with about six different races. Always a good idea and piles are a variety of leg horns and the Aruacana are also popular birds. Perhaps adult birds want to start and then you can immediately start to collect the eggs. The first thing you need to do is start to hatch your own eggs. There are several incubators are, the different amount of eggs can contain and not on a large scale to incubate. Hens will lay one egg per day on average, but you must bear in mind that in the age egg will diminish relocation and may completely disappear. To collect the time and to incubate your eggs is in the spring and summer. Also a market for small chicks and POL there (chicken set point). The most popular age chickens buy about 20 weeks is easy but because most of the hard work that has been done and the chickens on adult chicks pellets are fed and this is also a good age of chicken Geschlecht.Hybrid chickens are also very popular and many people will want to have to buy hybrids to their own eggs. Keep separate but all races and hybrids must be in their own housing, as well as all other races. To keep taps is a must if the hatching eggs for sale but a rooster reaches you from each race. If you more than a cock have, you run the risk of them fight and sometimes they will fight to the death, if they are evenly matched. Interfere with more than a tap the hens can and they are restless. If it this can be constant fighting in the chicken pen cause stress and hens will stop temporarily transfer. Once your breeding stock that you start is made to advertise your eggs can, remember to label and date of your eggs to be sure that you know what chickens they have come, and when they were created. Once an egg has been laid needs to a cool place stored and turned every day and all the eggs should be kept for more than 10 days, because every day after been laid an egg, its fertility is 2% daily will reduce.
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