On my previous articles to keep chickens in your backyard it†™ s likely, that some of you go step will further and hatch and raise your own chickens from your was.Breeding chickens Couldn†™ t be easier and it a project meaningful and rewarding, involved € ™ s to your children to get.If you have enough of your closest neighbours or good luck, very ones understand that Dona€ ™ t mind wake up at the crack of down by the dawn a over eager cock announce a new day, then you are already half way get to breed your chickens.Firstly, you must ensure that you state have happy healthy hens in good breeding, by following the guidelines in my previous article. A plentiful good food and the corresponding nesting facilities in the form of a good chicken coop worded. first hens kept on its own without a cock will produce present not viable, fertile eggs. I know this is the obvious, but you would be surprised how many people completely on this critical point Miss!The introduction of the cock in your herd makes sure that the eggs are fertile and expected to produce chicks after incubation. It takes no time at all for the cock and hen what to do, quite natural! Thinking €™ t remember that if there is a cock in the coop to use still the eggs to collect and they for consumption, as long as they collected fresh and Havenâ are was the brooding hen for a long time may remain.Don†™ t make the mistake with boiling an egg, half has been incubated! There is nothing more off set as crack an open, chicks find inside formed a half, in fact they will eat probably never again an egg!You should ideally remove cock after a few days with the hens that since he become aggressive can if he†™ s had enough of their company. Hold him let to him roam the yard or the garden but outside the Coop where I have on many occasions your chickens to the Brut.Abgesehen of links of the tap with the chickens without a problem but there is a risk associated.If you choose the hen breed just stop to collect the eggs and allows you to start it it the incubation. It takes 21 days from the time that is set to appear during the time you do nothing else, when must your hens as normal feed and try, the brooding hen interfere as little as possible with the last egg for the chicks. She receives the more calm feel more comfortable and secure and less likely to rise from the nest.If you see you with specially prepared chick crumb feed the chicks, which can be displayed. This is small enough to eat for the chicks and has all the necessary nutrients for the early stages of the Entwicklung.Immer to protect a close eye on your chick in the first few days and before the usual threats such as predators and respect you for signs of the other chickens pick at them.They need to possibly separate, if this becomes a problem but never separates from the mother hen, because these artificial heating etc. would require. Otherwise do nothing other than to enjoy the whole experience, but keep these few tips Note: â · Feed your breeding hens good quality food and make sure that she a plenty of. · To keep disruption to a minimum if your chickens Brooding · make sure you are on signs that the Rooster breeding hens worrying is, if he is in the Coop · also allows disposal was no unhatched eggs carefully at the end of the incubation period, rotten eggs are extremely unpleasant! · If you plan to keep the chicks and race to a later time of them, make sure to use an other cock, to avoid problems with inbreeding.Keep and breed their own hens is an experience and the perfect way to complement the organic garden.
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