Monday, 30 July 2012

Benefits of raising chickens at home

There are many reasons why people collect chicken. After all people have raised chicken since 5400 BC. The domestication of the chicken to a large food production company has developed largely for human consumption. Today, there are more domesticated chickens in farm houses than there are wild poultry in the forests around the world.And why you and I want to increase chicken?I have my own reasons, and you probably sell, too. For me, I just want back the old charm of the landscape after sometime in the city to spend on. I would like to enjoy the scent of natural flowers, feel the caress of fresh air, mountains, wading through rivers and feel free and refreshes heart in it. Maybe it's an anthropological explanation. I believe it to be a natural desire in all of us in the heart of nature and our natural food sources.But, of course, I need something to my family - feed remains and I think that poultry-raising is not such a bad idea. Apart from always a reliable source of income from eggs and meat, I can have also a regular supply of fresh chicken and eggs for the consumption of my family. With the price of organic eggs in food $4 beat a dozen raising chicken in your own backyard is certainly a very welcome Idee.Ich the other advantages of raising chicken give you an overview of in your own backyard: eggs from free range chickens are healthier and ideal for human consumption. Commercially bred chickens are fed an unnatural diet, mostly chemically produced RSS feeds, which are meant to quickly and cost-effectively produce more eggs. This leads to layers, the eggs, which are less nutritious than pre-laminates allows produce to chickens, a barn, the scratches and the search for their own food running around, and life in natural, open Umgebung.Hinterhof eggs, free range are commercial eggs produced by chickens chicken course nahrhafter and more flavorful constantly in a State of confinement.Increase teaches backyard chicken children about responsibility and the origin of their Lebensmittel.Huhn droppings can enrich the quality of the soil in your own backyard. You can a source of cheaper, healthier, natural fertilizer for your garden if forage for food in your backyard chickens are used as natural pest control DeterrentThese are only some of the benefits. There are other advantages, but it is simply not enough space here recorded. On the one hand, tend to chickens is not as demanding as dogs or other household take care of animals. Chickens must be not bathed or taken for a walk, in contrast to your favorite Labrador or German Shepherd. You must only fed and given fresh water such as all natural pets. They must of course keep the Coop clean and the chickens are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are healthy.You can include your children in this process including picking up eggs on a daily basis. As a child I remember just that a mother hen lay their egg per day. My brother and I had to very early in the morning to this daily ritual watch wake up. It is a reminder that I totally enjoyed, even before we decided to move this farmhouse having regard to my children. My brother and I still to this day enjoy the memory.


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