Monday 30 July 2012

How To Raise Chicken Like An Experienced Owner - 3 Essential Tips In Raising Chickens

So you want to raise chickens, is that it? If you think that it is an easy job, then think again, buddy. While they may be easy to raise, there are many things that you have to learn first on how to raise chicken like a farmer would. Whether you may be raising backyard chickens or chickens on a farm for whatever purpose you may have, what is important is to remember these essential pointers so that you can confidently know how to raise chicken. There are very few things that you will need in order to be able to raise your first batch of poultry. First of all, consider the accommodations or the living quarters of your chickens. It is important to know where to place the chicken coop as this will greatly affect your chickens' growth. Make sure that the area is clean and dry. Include a nest box for the hens that will need to roost at night. You can make use of a small part of your garden or garage as the house for your chickens. The garden would be more appropriate however as chickens like to scratch on soil and dig up bugs and worms. Give them ample space where they can also scratch on and still not ruin your wife's garden patch at the same time. The next step or thing that is needed on how to look after chickens is its food and water. Just like any human being and animal, your chickens also need to eat. There are pet stores that sell chicken feed or if you want you can also feed them kitchen scraps such as fruit peelings, bread and greens. It is also important to give your chickens enough grit for them to digest food. The next how to raise chicken basic is of course being able to select the right hen to start with. If you want to be able to raise chicken for livestock or eggs, then you will want to get either the bantams or the full size hens. Bantams lay smaller eggs compared to the full size hens and are generally noisier than the latter. It is interesting to note that there are also several brands of hens and picking the right one can make or break your project on how to raise chicken. How to raise chicken is a very profitable project. Not only are you able to do something useful, you are also able to get something out of it at the same time. As long as you take note of the basics, you are well on your way to successfully raising your first batch of poultry.


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