Monday, 30 July 2012

Chicken diseases and symptoms

It is important that you take care of your chickens and the vaccination is important to prevent that certain illnesses and diseases, which can be fatal for your herd. While it is important to bear in mind that chickens can diseases contract, it is not a widespread problem and many chickens can die simply for unexplained reasons it you can never find the cause. Other conditions, not in the context of disease include egg peritonitis (when the hen from an infection caused by an egg dies). Looking for changes in one of your Flock is vital. A chicken show signs of stress when it sick and signs include changes in breathing, comb (color and size), eyes, feathers, tail, body weight and general appearance. Their chicken is also different and can be isolated from the herd. They appear in General quiet and uncomfortable, remain rather alone in the corner. You can do things that help your chickens, including feeding a healthy diet stay healthy, keep their coops cleaning and drying, water clean and fresh and food areas as clean as possible to keep. Newcastle disease is a contagious viral disease that infects, poultry, turkeys, pigeons and ducks, though the condition is rarely diagnosed in ducks. Some of the symptoms include coughing, death, peeling and Dirreahea. Coccidiosis is a common disorder that protect mainly young chicks and one of the main causes is bad housing. Wet coops and poorly ventilated coops are a major cause of this disease, and it is also contagious. Sick birds should be removed immediately until the sign disappeared, but young birds may die often. Botulism is another disease caused by poor living and wet conditions. Again, the best way to prevent to keep dry and clean coops this disease is. Botulism is a bacterium which thrives in humid and hot conditions.Mycoplasma is another really common disease in poultry and a disease that affects the respiratory system. Cough and sneezing are as well as an unpleasant smell. There are other things that can affect chicken mites and lice and chicken should be checked regularly for signs of an infestation. If a chicken is not healthy, it is always a reason why and is it is in your best interest and the interests of your flock, to ensure they are all healthy.


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