Monday, 30 July 2012

Four chicken diseases, you should know about raising chickens

Chickens are susceptible to different types of diseases. You can apply diseases if they are maintained well by the owner. Exactly how you are they prone to colds and other illnesses after various spores and viruses exposed. Here four of the most common chicken diseases 1 need to know along with the signs and symptoms, prevention and potential cure for any ailment. EncephalomyelitisThis bird flu is a viral disease, the chicken inside of four weeks old and below are concerned. It is widely used in developed countries such as the United States of America, New Zealand and Australia. If you notice your chicken with blunt expression of the eyes, is uncoordinated movements and frequent twitching body and head, then probably due to AE. To prevent this deadly disease, your chicken breeders can vaccinate at the time, what you, their have reached 10-16 weeks old. As soon as AE is done, you are with two choices left; to isolate or supportive care. 2 give them. Bird flu or avian influenza is one of the deadliest diseases of chicken of all time. It is caused by a strain of the H5N1 virus that can be transmitted by infected mosquitoes and ticks. Kot and nasal secretions of wild birds should immediately be removed, to avoid the spread of disease. Networks must also be specified to add protection for your chickens. 3. Fowl CholeraFowl, cholera to adult occurs chickens especially cocks. It is characterized by greenish diarrhea-like stools and swelling of the Wattles. It should be treated with an antibiotic called tetracycline for a week, until the symptoms disappear. 4. Marek DiseaseMarek disease is a highly contagious chicken diseases caused by herpes virus. Asymmetric paralysis of the limbs, difficulties in breathing and change in the color of the IRIS are her chicken. To prevent this happening, you should you vaccination against the disease at the time what, which were hatched. These are the four most common chicken disease that can make the lives of your flock in just a snap. These diseases are their coops actually avoidable, and clean if you really feed your chickens, vaccinate them on time at least twice a week.


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