Monday, 30 July 2012

Beware of chicken diseases

Now backyard poultry solve more frequently is, must the most popular chicken also be made knowledge of some common diseases. These diseases are often fatal and must be avoided at all costs. Prevention, is therefore very important, if you are planning to raise chickens in your backyard. The first problem that can occur, your chickens are ticks, fleas, lice and mites. These parasites are very common with backyard chickens. Chickens, get attacked by these parasites tick fever, a deadly disease, which can lead to your chickens to death, if not properly treated. Some ticks irritation heavy the chicken skins chickens, discomfort caused. You can to treat this disease sprays available from stores of RSS feeds with parasite. If the irritation persists, you need the experts questions. The second type of problem your chickens can occur is the attack of worms. These parasites, in contrast to ticks and fleas, but as a dangerous yet live within of the chickens. Usually you can in the stomach are, but you can get your chickens in other internal organs. The most common symptoms of this disease include weight loss and diarrhoea. If you, observe these symptoms from your chickens, collect some feces to and they tested by your vet. Your chickens after the parasites have been identified, you need to handle advice according to your veterinarian. Also do not forget, the Alan so clean that it can be disease not to disseminate to other chickens. The third serious illness that Treaty can your chickens is the poultry pox, a viral infection that can be fatal to your animals. The chicken can this virus through wounds caused by fighting and fled from each other pick get. If the wounds turn to scabs, the infection sets in. Chickens can recover by this disease; However they can contract, other infections and diseases if they are very weak. In this case, the chicken can die. In General can chickens of these diseases to recover. They just have to make sure that they be done properly. Clean their coops, regularly and thoroughly; with corresponding feeds feed vitamins you and her, to her immune system. You feel your veterinarian seek help finding not only when your chickens are, but even if they seem in order.


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